Cell loss in sensory ganglia after peripheral nerve injury: An anatomical tracer study using lectin-coupled horseradish peroxidase in cats

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In 33 adult cats the lateral superficial branch of the radial nerve was exposed and transsected on one side. In one group of animals (n = 22) the nerve-stumps were re-approximated with epineural sutures and in the other group (n = 11) the proximal nerve stump was enclosed to prevent regeneration. After survival periods ranging from 4-17 months the same nerve on both sides was exposed to an intra-axonal nerve tracer to label the dorsal root ganglion neurones projecting into the nerve being investigated. In each animal the opposite side was used as control. When the transsection was followed by a nerve suture the transsection was followed by a nerve suture the mean proportion of labelled sensory neurones in the dorsal root ganglion, compared with the control side, was 61% at eight months after operation, but by 17 months it had increased to 70%. When regeneration was prevented by the proximal nerve stump being enclosed in a plastic envelope, the reduction in labelled cells was 45% after a survival period 17 months. © 1994 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.

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Liss, A. G., af Ekenstam, F. W., & Wiberg, M. (1994). Cell loss in sensory ganglia after peripheral nerve injury: An anatomical tracer study using lectin-coupled horseradish peroxidase in cats. Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery, 28(3), 177–188. https://doi.org/10.3109/02844319409015978

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