Two cases with a urethrovesical foreign body in adolescent boys are reported. Case 1 was a 12-year-old boy with a stretched safety pin, 7 cm in length, in the urethra. This was probably introduced by him. Case 2 was a 14-year-old boy with a self-introduced metallic bar, 5 cm in length, in the urinary bladder. The foreign bodies were endoscopically removed. Both of the boys had grown in fatherless families. In Case 1, his father had died in a traffic accident while trying to save the patient at the age of 5 years. In case 2, the parents had been divorced. These episodes could have resulted in mental instability in the boys, which possibly led to the self-introduction of the foreign body. Urethrovesical foreign bodies are not rare. However, a foreign body in adolescents under 15 years of age is very rarely reported. It is incumbent upon urologists to thoroughly investigate the psychological conditions in such cases, and to properly judge whether psychiatric cares and follow-up are necessary.
Kuwada, M., Chihara, Y., Torimoto, K., Kagebayashi, Y., Nakai, Y., & Samma, S. (2009). Ureterovesical foreign body in adolescent boys: Report of two cases. Japanese Journal of Urology, 100(6), 632–634.
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