RF-Induced Evaporative Cooling And BEC In A High Magnetic Field

  • Bouyer P
  • Boyer V
  • Murdoch S
  • et al.
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We present the design of our iron-core electromagnet for BEC, and how to solve the specific experimental problems raised by this technique. After presenting the experimental set-up, we address the interruption of runaway evaporative cooling when the Zeeman effect is not linear. We present the ways to circumvent this problem, use of multiple RF frequencies, sympathetic cooling and show some applications of these high magnetic fields (cavity coupling, high confinement).




Bouyer, P., Boyer, V., Murdoch, S. G., Delannoy, G., Le Coq, Y., Aspect, A., & Lécrivain, M. (2002). RF-Induced Evaporative Cooling And BEC In A High Magnetic Field. In Bose-Einstein Condensates and Atom Lasers (pp. 165–186). Springer US. https://doi.org/10.1007/0-306-47103-5_12

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