Digit speech recognition refers to the task of identifying the English digit spoken in a particular utterance by an unknown speaker. The conventional methods used for the recognition of digits in speech are based on robust pattern recognition techniques which deal with the statistical parameters of speech. HMM, GMM and dynamic programming techniques are some of the methods. This paper presents recognition of digits using HTK Toolkit which is based on Hidden Markov Model using MFCC. The digit speech database of this work was collected in real time from both male and female speakers and the transcription of the total collected data was done using Wavesurfer.
Paul, C., & Bora, P. (2020). Digit Speech Recognition u sing Hidden Markov Model Toolkit. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(5), 917–921. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.e2540.039520
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