Composite Higgses review

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For the closing article in this volume on supersymmetry, we consider the alternative options to SUSY theories: we present an overview of composite Higgs models in light of the discovery of the Higgs boson. The small value of the physical Higgs mass suggests that the Higgs quartic is likely loop generated; thus models with tree-level quartics will generically be more tuned.We classify the various models (including bona fide composite Higgs, little Higgs, holographic composite Higgs, twin Higgs and dilatonic Higgs) based on their predictions for the Higgs potential, review the basic ingredients of each of them, and quantify the amount of tuning needed, which is not negligible in any model. We explain the main ideas for generating flavor structure and the main mechanisms for protecting against large flavor violating effects, and we present a summary of the various coset models that can result in realistic pseudo-Goldstone Higgses.We review the current experimental status of such models by discussing the electroweak precision, flavor, and direct search bounds, and we comment on the UV completions of such models and on ways to incorporate dark matter.




Bellazzini, B., Csáki, C., & Serra, J. (2014). Composite Higgses review. In Supersymmetry After the Higgs Discovery (pp. 151–175). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

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