Strategies and Quality Guidelines for Effective User Interface Design

  • et al.
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Graphical user interface plays the vital in the human computer interaction. It exchanges the information and improves the communication. The user interface development represents an initial step towards the integration among the software developer and Human Computer interaction. Upcoming complexity Systems needs the developer to make User interface design is more flexible, understandable, adaptable and accessible to the end user. Software development identifies the importance of user interface design but don’t form concise guidelines for its construction and its quality with in the life cycle. The intent of the research paper is to describe the guidelines for user interface design quality, customization and construction. It highlights the various benefits, quality guidelines, construction and supporting tools in perspective of user interface design. The information is useful for researchers, developers and professional of the user interface design for forth coming generations.




Reddy*, Dr. J. M., Ramulu, K. P., & Murthy, Dr. BV. R. (2020). Strategies and Quality Guidelines for Effective User Interface Design. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(5), 778–782.

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