Assessment framework modeling using location aware computing for fertilizer management and crop recommendation

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Indian economy mainly depends on the agriculture, which contributes a major part in the growth and development of the nation. This is directly connected to the standard of life of farmers which covers more than 40 percent of the country population. Looking at the current situation of agriculture in India, agricultural productivity in India is not competitive to the world standards. For increasing the crop productivity farmers are forced to use more fertilizers which will end in health risk for the consumers. Lack of a proper knowledge of the effective usage of fertilizers and the changing soil nutrient values are the major problems for a farmer apart from the loss due to climate change and so many other factors. To address the problem, we propose to build an application model 'Prediction On Fertilizer Management for Crop Productivity' which enables the farmers to understand and effectively utilize their money with effective methods of seasonal crops production by providing recent and intimate information about which has to be produced, soil suitability, its nutrient values and soil moisture level which pasteurization management methods, how to apply the fertilizers in larger areas, what amount of water must be given, how to develop a model maps to the current scenario of farm areas. Crop Yield Production is basically an aggregation of crop and fertilizer recommendation, soil analysis, and crop yield calculations based on recent market scenario. Through our model we are revising and correcting the existing system with predictive analytics of the usage of effective fertilizers with less health risk.




Alex, S. A., & Kanavalli, A. (2019). Assessment framework modeling using location aware computing for fertilizer management and crop recommendation. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 1315–1319.

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