The Indian FMCG is the fourth largest sector in the economy. In India, raw materials are cheaper and availability of labor are easy than other place. India may be got benefit in this worldwide competitive Era. Many numbers of ayurvedic companies are available in India. Few companies are maintaining their loyalty and believe in customers. Maximum countries of whole world appreciate the ayurvedic medicine of Indian companies. In this manuscript a questionnaire is filled by 50 respondents to know about the consumers’ perception regarding mainly three Ayurveda company and their common brand. This questionnaire is fulfilled by different variables. After the analysis of this study it has been concluded that mostly consumers like the company Dabur and its product Chyawanprash. This manuscript will be very fruitful for the consumers and researchers.
Ayurvedic Companies on Consumer Behaviour. (2020). International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12s3), 94–96.
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