The purpose of this study is to test the validity and reliability of user motivation, user expectation, the Facebook Fan Page usage experience, and intention to use a museum’s Facebook Fan Page. Most museum managers in Indonesia have used Facebook as a medium for promotion and education, but no research has been done to observe the impact of this implementation. This study applied descriptive statistical analysis (descriptive statistics) and confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS. The sample comprised 270 respondents. The questionnaire was developed and distributed through museum or cultural Facebook groups. This paper analyzed respondent demographics and the validity and reliability of user motivation, user expectation, the Facebook Fan Page usage experience, and the intention to use a museum’s Facebook Fan Page.
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Sundjaja, A. M., Abdinagoro, S. B., Gaol, F. L., & Abbas, B. S. (2019). Examining the validity and reliability of online visitor behavior in Indonesia’s museum industry. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 1453–1457.