In today's technology development, mobile robotics plays a vital role in many aspects because they are used to operate in hazardous and urban environments, for surveillance as well as military operations. Some of the mobile robots are designed to operate only on natural terrains, but some other also for rough terrains and artificial environments including stairways. In the age of ubiquitous systems it is necessary to be able to monitor the robots from everywhere. Although many methods to remotely control robots have been devised, the methods have the problems such as the need for special devices or software to control the robots. This paper suggests an advanced method for robotic control using the DTMF technology. Until recent years, the stair climbing robots are designed with vast hardware and robots are equipped with wheels to climb stairs or to move on a flat surface. The controlling mechanism has been advanced with the development of mobile robots. This paper addresses the design and implementation of DTMF controlled stair climbing robot. This climbing robot is operated with ARM7TDMI (LPC2148) controller. The mechanical design of the robot contains the roller chains instead of wheels and rubber blocks are attached to the roller chains to generate high friction with ground. Experimental trials showed that the implementation of the behavior control systems was successful.
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Vamsi, T. S., & Radha, K. (2013). ARM Based Stair Climbing Robot Controlling Through DTMF Technology. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) (pp. 2277–3878).