The term cancer does not stand for a single disease, but represents a collection of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell proliferation. Now a days cancer is one of the main disease to affect the human beings. Due to this is causes death. It is a challenging one to the society for their health problem. The main objective is to explore the design and trends of the cancer incidence in location of the nine regional cancer centers and cancer treatment facilities in the area. (ie., Coimbatore, Kanniyakumari, Salem, Thanjavur, Tirunelveli, Madurai, Trichy, Chennai, Kanchipuram).The cancer cases were separated district wise regional cancer centers for specific cancer sites and age-standardized incident rates were calculated for females. By using Mathematical Technique we found to the cancer incidence and age adjusted of cancer. ie) which district wise regional cancer centers higher in the cancer incidence and age adjusted and which district wise regional cancer centers least in the cancer incidence and age adjusted ?.
Muruganantha Prasad, K. L., Thirumeninathan, B., & Subramoniam, R. (2019). Evaluation of cancer incidence and age-adjusted in regional cancer center of tamilnadu districts by using mathematical technique. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special issue 3), 122–124.
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