Challenges for Mobile Wireless Devices for Next Generation in Pervasive Computing

  • Patheja P
  • Waoo A
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Network computing and mobile computing are fast becoming a part of everyday life. We expect devices like PDAs, mobile phones, offices PCs and even home entertainment systems to access information and work together in one integrated system and the challenge is to combine these technologies into a seamless whole and on the Internet. The aim of Pervasive Computing is for computing available wherever it's needed. It spreads intelligence and connectivity to more or less everything. and even things like our coffee mugs and even the human body and will embedded with chips to connect to an infinite network of other devices and to create an environment where the connectivity of devices is embedded in such a way that it is unobtrusive and always available. Pervasive computing, therefore, refers to the emerging trend toward numerous, easily accessible computing devices connected to an increasingly ubiquitous network infrastructure. What is really different about mobile wireless device? The devices are smaller and bits travel by wireless rather than Ethernet. How can this possibly make any difference? Isn't a mobile system merely a special case of a distributed system? Are there any new and deep issues to be investigated, or is pervasive computing just the latest fad? This paper is my attempt to answer these questions.

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Patheja, P. S., & Waoo, A. A. (2011). Challenges for Mobile Wireless Devices for Next Generation in Pervasive Computing. Soft Computing, (1), 6–13.

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