Design and Implementation of Prototype EMIR for Dynamic Charging of Electric Vehicles

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Electric Vehicles (EVs) are considered to be one of the most sustainable forms of transportation. Unlike hybrid vehicles or gas-powered cars, EVs run solely on electric power. However, despite their many benefits, EVs are facing major challenges in the market today. The major challenge being its exorbitant costs as compare to fuel-based cars. And, range anxiety also proves to be a hurdle for EVs [6]. Thus, to answer all the aforementioned challenges, we proposed Electro-Magnetic Induction-based Roads (EMIR), a dynamic wireless recharging system. EVs would be able to slip into a special EMIR green lane, recharge their batteries a bit, and slip out. This technology will thus reduce the size of the EV battery, which is the most expensive part of the EV, by increasing its effective mileage and the life of the battery. This paper elaborates on the method of performing dynamic wireless power transfer through resonance based electromagnetic induction. A 163 cm long and a 30 cm wide transmitter coil was designed to transfer electrical energy to an oval-shaped receiver coil with 40 cm as its major axis and 30 cm as its minor axis. The EV battery is dynamically recharged by a charging infrastructure between the road and the vehicle while it is in motion with a high efficiency. The transmitter coils are essentially supposed to be embedded in the road but are placed over the road for visual purposes. The receiver coil is placed under the EV. When the EV goes over the electric road, it gets dynamically recharged. A prototypic EMIR was successfully designed to demonstrate the Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer (DWPT) for EVs.




Crasto, K. M., Malhotra, N., & Poojary, R. (2020). Design and Implementation of Prototype EMIR for Dynamic Charging of Electric Vehicles. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(4), 113–117.

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