Properties of matrix using diatomite based on blast furnace slag

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Recently, we have experimented to reduce fine dust which is a problem in the world. Fine dust is known to cause various diseases in the human body. Diatomite with adsorption characteristics was used to reduce fine dust, which is a source of indoor air pollution. As a binder, blast furnace slag and a circulating fluidized bed combustion boiler fly ash were used to replace cement. The assessment items are flexural strength, compressive strength, flow ability, density, water absorption, fine dust concentration. As the replacement ratio of diatomite increases, the density decreases and the water absorption tends to increase. It is considered that this is due to the porous property of diatomite. Flowability decreased with increasing diatomite replacement ratio. As the replacement ratio of diatomite increased, the amount of air content to increase. As the replacement ratio of diatomite increased, the adsorption performance per minute of fine dust increased. This is because the amount of fine dust adsorbed per specific surface area increased as the replacement ratio of diatomite having porous properties increased. If additional experiments are done and used for finishing materials, it will contribute to the improvement of indoor air quality.




Lee, S. S., & Kim, D. Y. (2019). Properties of matrix using diatomite based on blast furnace slag. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2S6), 112–116.

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