Many statues found in the eastern European steppe testify to their widespread production. How was the work organized in these workshops, and what were the technical capabilities and motives of the master when choosing the type of stone and the style of iconography? These are serious and multi-stage research problems, so this article does not aim to answer these questions comprehensively. Based on archaeology, or more precisely by studying the rock in relation to cartographic methods and the iconography of statues, only an attempt has been made to give a general outline of the development and decline of the monumental art of Eastern European nomads.
Yevglevskyy, A. V. (2023). The Iconographic Canon and Possibilities of the Polovcian Sculptor in Choosing the Stone Type, Style, and Sculpture Processing Technique. In Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences (pp. 143–149). Springer Nature.
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