Smart Waste Segregation using ML Techniques

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According to the Press Information Bureau, India generates 62 million tonnes of waste (both recyclable and non-recyclable waste) annually. Landfill waste ranks third in terms of greenhouse gas emissions in India. To reduce this issue, we have come up with an idea using IOT and ML, that helps segregate waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable. The fast growth in the amount and varieties of solid and hazardous waste due to burgeoning growth, industrialization, and urbanization, is becoming a growing hassle for the countries and national governments to heed to the powerful and sustainable management of waste. We have come up with an option to tackle this trouble from a lower level. We have centred our efforts to construct a smart bin exclusively for household purposes. Using a smart bin, we have a manner of identifying non-biodegradable and biodegradable waste with the assist of sensors and ML models built for figuring out the type of waste. The biodegradable waste is saved in its section of the bin and the non-biodegradable waste is further divided into landfill waste and recyclable waste. Since segregation on a large scale is hard to manage due to the cost and inaccuracies working at that scale. The smart bin should be able to solve these issues by segregating early rather than trying to segregate it at a larger scale.




Patel*, Mr. D. N. … C S, Mrs. U. (2020). Smart Waste Segregation using ML Techniques. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(11), 56–59.

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