Honey words are created dependent on the user information gave and the first password is changed over into another organization and put away alongside the Honey words. This undertaking convey Intermediate server, shopping server for buy and Cloud server for keeping up user record subtleties. Attacker who realizes the E mail record of unique user can without much of a stretch reset the password of the cloud server. Presently attacker logins into the buy entry, where he is been followed unconsciously and he is permitted to do buy. Server distinguishes the attacker and sends the data to the Original proprietor and furthermore it hinders the attacker notwithstanding doing exchange from his unique record.
Yogesh Rajkumar, R., & Kaliyamurthie, K. P. (2019). Auditing scheme for secure cloud storage. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(5), 2624–2626.
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