The concept of E-automation, in which computer networking and distributed intelligence agent technologies are applied to industrial automation systems and the hardware, software architectures are proposed in [8]. E-automation architecture permits greater configurability than a traditional system. The growing need for better monitoring of process plants, improved operations, safety and detailed knowledge of critical supervisory control and monitoring is becoming increasingly important. This makes the implementation of web based remote supervisory control and information system as the best solution. The design challenges, network security issues, user interfaces and possible solutions are focused in this research. The further sections present experimental approach that was carried out and the results are being presented.
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Kirubashankar, R., Krishnamurthy, K., Indra, J., & Vignesh, B. (2011). Design and Implementation of Web Based Remote Supervisory Control and Information System. International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), 1(4), 43–51.