Purpose – The discussionon Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the current scenario is getting special attention in business environment. In India, it is highly speaking since the companies’ act 2013 and its significance highlighted the need for integration of ethical principles in the businesses. Even though the educational institutions and university strived not to make profit from its business, institutions are frequently involved corporate social responsibility practices and contribute more for the society, legal, environment and customers. The aim of the study focused to explore empirically the relationship among the dimensions concerning CSR i.e., Environmental, Employer Employee, Customer, Legal and Societal with customer satisfaction among students of private university in Vellore, Tamilnadu. Design/Methodology – This research is basically an exploratory in nature. In this study the sample of selected private engineering college students inTamilnadu, have been taken to discover the influence of CSR on customer satisfaction. The test of Correlation Analysis have been used to test the hypotheses that is mentioned during the study. Findings – In the current study took the researcher to come up with the conclusion that the dimensions concerning CSR have a concrete relationship with Customer Satisfaction. The study is tested based up on the Test result specified by Pearsons Correlation which falls under-1 to +1 on the results.
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Priyadarshini, V., & Gomathi, S. (2019). Corporate social responibility and its influence on customer satisfaction among students of selected private engineering colleges in Tamilnadu. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 1939–1945. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B1906.078219