High speed train communication is a very demanding issue now a days for reliable communication by the end users. For better reliability previous works based on encoding structures and different channels but they are not concentrated channel errors, if we estimate the channels we get more FER compared to previous work. In wireless communications polar codes plays major role in warless fading environment. For efficient wireless communication system design, channel estimation is the fundamental step in fading channels. Information bits and frozen bits are required for both SN-polar codes. Based on the above two data sets (i.e. info-frozen) efficient SN-polar code implementation is possible. But in conventional channel estimation methods additional pilots are inserted in the given data. Where as in SN-polar codes pilots are selected from the information bits. Therefore conventional polar encoding structure is not suitable for pilot selection every time. We propose E-UEPS structures are used for efficient coding structure, the basic advantage of the proposed encoding structure automatically improves the FER.
Chennupati, K. S., & Meerja, K. A. (2019). Channel estimation in high speed train communication in wireless 5G. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(1), 1067–1071.
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