Cognitive needs of ICT usage in business among women entrepreneurs

ISSN: 22783075
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The current technological explosion has contributed to the cognitive needs of ICT usage in business among women entrepreneurs. The Internet is becoming a new place for women entrepreneurs to do business and that has made ICT as one of the necessity for women entrepreneurs in doing their daily business. Communication through social media such as WhatsApp and Facebook has opened a new medium for women entrepreneurs to market their products. However, in the current technological era there are still some women entrepreneurs who lack the awareness about the importance of ICT as they lack the skills and knowledge about ICT and the technology. Thus, it has become the core of the research conducted by researchers to analyse the cognitive needs of ICT usage in the business among women entrepreneurs. The study was conducted using in-depth interviews with several women entrepreneurs around the state of Negeri Sembilan and Selangor. The findings have shown that the majority of the respondents use ICT in business and recognise the importance of the cognitive needs of ICT usage in business processes. The use of ICT is divided into two, which are through the social media and the technology systems used in the business.




Othman, N. A., & Omar, F. I. (2019). Cognitive needs of ICT usage in business among women entrepreneurs. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(7), 8–12.

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