This paper explored the data collected regarding the study on mediating effect of organizational innovation in the relationship between leadership practices and organisational performance. Seventy universities operating in Saudi Arabia participated in the study. The survey was completed by 248 principal officers on behalf of their respective universities. The results were then analysed using version 22 of the software package of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). An initial data testing and preliminary review were conducted to ensure that the multivariate analysis assumptions were not broken. The analysis was carried out in this study explicitly with the missing values, outliers, regular test and multilinearity testing. We concluded that the data were sufficient for further study.
Alanazi, A. A., Hashim, A., & Rasli, A. (2019). A mediator leadership practices for organisational development through data screening. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(1), 4888–4891.
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