Impact of organizational behavior in achieving operational excellence in pharmaceuticals

ISSN: 22773878
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Organizational behavior is all about knowing and understanding the needs of the employees in the organization. The attitude of an employee, training and development can affect Organizational behavior which in turn affects Operational Excellence in an organization. In the current study the research has been carried out through a research questionnaire on research title “Impact of organizational behavior in achieving operational excellence in pharmaceuticals” was developed to test the hypotheses on direct interview basis in Pharmaceutical companies 1 and 2. In Pharmaceutical company 1, total 175 people were interviewed on the above research topic. Out of 175, 69.14% (121 people) of the people Strongly agreed, 15.43% (27 people) of the people Agreed, 6.29% (11 people) of the people responded Can’t Say, 5.14 % (9 people) of the people disagreed and 4.0 % (7 people) of the people only Strongly disagreed that effective organizational behavior will help in accomplishing Operational Excellence in Pharmaceuticals. The research study was also conducted at Pharmaceutical company 2, total 150 people were interviewed on the above topic. Out of 150, 63.33 % (95 people) of the people Strongly agreed, 16.67% (25 people) of the people Agreed, 6.0 % (9 people) of the people responded Can’t Say, 5.33 % (8 people) of the people disagreed and 8.67 % (13 people) of the people only Strongly disagreed that effective organizational behavior will help in accomplishing Operational Excellence in the Pharmaceuticals. Based on the study, it has been concluded that effective organizational behavior will help in accomplishing Operational Excellence in Pharmaceuticals.




Boya, V. R., & Sekhara Rao, K. S. (2019). Impact of organizational behavior in achieving operational excellence in pharmaceuticals. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(1), 2568–2571.

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