A Systematic Approach for a Secure Authentication System

  • Gautham H
  • et al.
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Authentication is a process of verifying the credibility of a user who is trying to access classified or confidential information. There is a vast unfold in the number of internet users, and the demand for IoT devices, cloud services has been increasing; it is now essential more than ever to protect the data hosted on the internet. So, the authentication process cannot be relied on single-factor static authentication methods to verify the user credentials. All devices in the market are not equipped with biometric systems, so a form of multi-factor authentication which is independent of biometrics needs to be adopted for a secure authentication system. This paper portraits a systematic architecture to verify user credentials using specific parameters, trying to unfold patterns using machine learning algorithms based on user's past login records, thus trying to provide a safer and secure authentication process for the users.




Gautham, H. A., & P, Dr. R. K. (2021). A Systematic Approach for a Secure Authentication System. International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, 10(6), 7–11. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijsce.f3508.0710621

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