Microservice architecture is a variation of the structured form of service-oriented architecture that arranges an application a series of loosely coupled services. This is a self-contained process that takes advantage of specific and unique business capabilities. The Microservice architecture approach provides many advantages in terms of scalability and flexibility. Microservices can be built by either dotnet framework solution (such as asp.net and asp.net web Api) or use solutions based on a core Microsoft dotnet framework (such as asp.net core).This paper presents an overview of Microservice architecture along with its advantages and disadvantages. We have also presented why ASP.NET core can be used instead of ASP.NET to build Microservices.
R*, B., S G, R., … Moharir, Dr. M. (2020). Microservice Architecture using ASP.NET Core. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(8), 175–178. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.h6247.069820
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