Safety is the most important parameter of the patient. The premature new-born babies do not have the capability to regulate their body temperatures on their own as normal new-born babies. Now-a-days as technology is advancing, the medical industries are reaching greater heights. By these advancements death rates of premature new-born babies are brought under control. Baby incubators plays a vital role in life saving of premature babies.. Here there is a need of health caregiver interactions due to certain conditions. These days the workload of the health caregiver has increased as the number of patients increased. The paper provides solution for the above mentioned problem by alerting the neonatal nurses so that preventive measures could be taken. It avoids the theft to be held in incubator rooms of the baby. The parameters such as heartbeat, temperature, blood pressure, wetness and movement of the baby. The power failure is also intimated within short span.
Subramanian, M., Sheela, T., Srividya, K., & Arulselvam, D. (2019). Security and health monitoring system of the baby in incubator. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(6), 3582–3585.
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