This paper aims to clarify characteristics of Laws for the international tourist city construction and the cities authorized by them in the national tourism policy, their concept, and their physical plan. Findings are as follows: 1) The government did not form the active plan and forced the laws into the scheme of City Planning Law. 2) 6 type of Present condition recognition, 4 type of concept, 14 type of policies are found in the plans of each city. The cities that share same concept have same aims, and their policies are introvert on construction for tourist city. 3) Although some cities reflect the concept of tourist city construction into a concrete policy, the institutional backing is deficient, and is seldom realized to it. © 2003, The City Planning Institute of Japan. All rights reserved.
Masayoshi, T., Akira, S., & Fuyuka, H. (2003). A study on the enactment of laws for the tourist city construction and urban planning in cities where laws were enacted in the period of postwar reconstruction. Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 38, 96.
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