Fabrication and experimentation of diffuser augmented wind turbine

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Wind Energy is turning into a big supply of renewable energy throughout the globe. This ever increasing field can probably reach the limit of accessibility and utility with the wind energy facility sites and size of the turbine itself. Therefore, it's needed to develop wind capturing devices that may produce energy within the locations wherever typical horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs) are too unrealistic to put in and operate. A diffuser augmented wind turbine (DAWT) is one such invention. DAWTs increase the ability output of the rotor by increasing the wind speed into the rotor employing a duct. The main objective of the project is to analyze the flow through the diffuser by placing it in wind tunnel and further the results are compared with the computational results. The purpose of investigating the flow through, the diffuser is to find out the behavior of wind flow at the throat region of the diffuser. Numerical analysis of diffuser is performed using the tool ANSYS FLUENT 15 and then by experimentation in wind tunnel. Experiments were carried out for investigating the flow pattern inside the circular profile diffuser of radius 60mm, Throat diameter of 200mm, inlet and outlet diameter of diffuser is 320mm. Pitot tubes are inserted on the rake and then mount on the throat region of diffuser for flow measurement in that region. Differential pressure transducers which gives voltage output are used for sensing the pressures from Pitot tubes, static tubes which is mount on surface of test section of tunnel and PS tube which is used for reference velocity. Further obtained pressure will be converted to velocity and get the required result. After completion of computational and experimental work comparable results were obtained.

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References Powered by Scopus

A shrouded wind turbine generating high output power with wind-lens technology

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Development of a shrouded wind turbine with a flanged diffuser

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An investigation of flow fields around flanged diffusers using CFD

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Borkar, S., Muthu, K., Arunkumar, G. L., & Ashok Kumar, K. (2019). Fabrication and experimentation of diffuser augmented wind turbine. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 6047–6052. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B3792.078219

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