This article is devoted to modeling regulatory mechanisms of human molecular-genetic systems activity during cancer origin and development with taking into account non-coding circulating regulators. The paper draws on results made by using methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis of functional-differential equations. Computational experiments have shown that for certain values of internal and external states there are the following regimes: programmed cell death (apoptosis), stationary state, self-oscillations, irregular behavior (cancerous growths) and a sharp destructive change-the “black hole” effect (metastasis) in depending on various concentrations of micro-RNA. The paper provides a new mathematical and computer models able to describe regulatory mechanisms of cancer taking into account spatial and temporal relations.
Saidalieva, M., & Hidirova, M. B. (2019). Innovative technology for modeling cancer grow regulatory mechanisms with taking into account micro-RNA action. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(1), 1705–1709.
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