Now a days we had seen so many Road accident cases are occurring and also increasing day by day. According to the statics of World Health Organization (WHO) 20-50 billion people were losing their life due to these accidents. To avoid these problems we came up with a proposed system called connected vehicles. Vehicle to Vehicle communication is a wireless broadcast that transmits the data between the connected vehicles. The main motive of this connected vehicles is safe travelling without any obstacles between the vehicles. Road accidents are the serious issues for human life for both individuals as well as the economic aspects. So our proposed system “Connected Vehicles” will reduce the accident cases by communicating with the nearer vehicles and shares the necessary information regarding the accidents cases to nearer vehicles.
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Perumal, B., Kumar, E. N., … Bhavana, K. (2021). Safety Road Travelling System with Connected Vehicles. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 10(2), 56–60.