Electronic Medical Records are now widely used by medical organizations as a replacement for physical manual records of the patients. These Electronic Medical Records (EMR) were effectively adopted as a result of the evolution in the field of Information technology supported by more innovative computer science engineering feats, as the EMR systems became more advanced it still had a drawback of being vulnerable to cyber attacks, which will eventually compromise the integrity and confidentiality. Hence the same EMR system is built along with the use of Block-chain technology on a cloud storage platform, this system will be integrated with various features compatible for the interoperability between the patients and medical service providers. The main objective of this project is to leverage maximum cyber protection to the EMR system.
Kumar*, Mr. S., B.H, Keerthivas., … srinivasan, J. (2020). An Intuitive and Secured Framework for Sharing Health-care Data using Block-chain Techniques. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(6), 1948–1952. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.f4377.049620
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