Alternative Eco-Friendly Methods in the Control of Post-Harvest Decay of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits

  • González-Estrada R
  • Blancas-Benítez F
  • M. Velázquez-Estrada R
  • et al.
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The effectiveness on several fruits by the application of alternative methods against fungi is summarized in the present chapter. Several investigations have reported the efficacy of these technologies for controlling fungal infections. Currently, high post-harvest loses have been reported due to several factors such as inefficient management, lack of training for farmers, and problems with appropri- ate conditions for storage of fruits and vegetables. Even now, in many countries, post-harvest disease control is led by the application of chemical fungicides. However, in this time, awareness about fungi resistance, environmental, and health issues has led to the research of eco-friendly and effective alternatives for disease management. The pathogen establishment on fruits can be affected by the applica- tion of GRAS compounds like chitosan, essential oils, salts, among others; besides, their efficacy can be enhanced by their combination with other technologies like ultrasound. Thus, the applications of these alternatives are suitable approaches for post-harvest management of fruits.




González-Estrada, R., Blancas-Benítez, F., M. Velázquez-Estrada, R., Montaño-Leyva, B., Ramos-Guerrero, A., Aguirre-Güitrón, L., … Gutierrez-Martinez, P. (2020). Alternative Eco-Friendly Methods in the Control of Post-Harvest Decay of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits. In Modern Fruit Industry. IntechOpen.

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