In finance there has always been the problem of how to combine investments to form a portfolio. Progress on this problem we focus on some of the important applications such as Forecasting, Trading, Portfolio Selection and Management of Stock Market is considered as one of the fundamental building block of developed country. If number of investor’s increases then the economy of the country also increases and every investor invests to get good returns. But as stock market is uncertain and complicated the selection of good scripts are considered as one of the challenge in stock market field. So much work has been donein this field, The purpose of the present study is to review research articles from the period 2005 to 2018 and to find research gap for future work.
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Mahajan, Mrs. Keerti., Toro, Dr. U., & Kulkarni, Dr. R. V. (2021). Hybridization of Machine Learning Techniques to Optimize Portfolio of Stock Market Review of Literature from the Period 2005 to 2018. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(5), 33–41.