Internet addiction and its ties with social interaction anxiety among sports and non-sports persons

ISSN: 22783075
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Internet has become an inseparable part of life nowadays. Circumstantial hearsays have specified that internet users are striking addicted to the Internet in the same way that others became addicted to the alcohol or drugs, consequently, there is loss in academic, social, and occupational scenario. Excessive use of everything is bad and internet is also an example of it. The purpose of the present descriptive study was to investigate the connection between excessive use of internet and social interaction anxiety. To fulfil the purpose a study was conducted on internet addiction and its ties with social interaction anxiety among sports and non-sports persons. Through multistage purposive sampling, a total of four hundred (N=400) sample was stratified into groups viz. sportspersons (N=100) and non-sportspersons(N=100). Both the taken groups were further divided into gender groups as sportspersons (sportsmen N=100 and sportswomen N=100) and non-sportspersons (Men N=100 and women N=100). The subjects were selected from Punjab. Their age was 18-28 years. The data was collected with the help of Young’s Internet Addiction Test (IAT) (1998) and Social Interaction Anxiety Scale by Mattick And Clarke (1998) and analyzed with the help of statistical package (SPSS Ver. 16). Apart from descriptive statistics Pearson Product Moment Correlation was applied and level of significance was set at 0.05. Qualitative analyses depicted the significant connection between internet addiction and social interaction anxiety among sports and non-sports persons as the r value. Though the internet is helping modern world to win over many things but it also is creating a big dig into the social relationships. This could be a primary psychiatric condition that needs further line of study.




Rani, A. (2019). Internet addiction and its ties with social interaction anxiety among sports and non-sports persons. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(7), 198–201.

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