Trusted detection of ransom ware using machine learning algorithms

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Nowadays, the Computer Networks and the internet are increased. Lots of information is accessed and allowed to the users to share the information to the Internet. One of the major issues with internet was different types of attack. Ransomware is a one kind of attack or it is malicious software that threatens to publish the victim's data. A variety of threats is the main target for the effective network security and avoids them from spreading or entering to the networks the network security on computer essential for computer networks. Ransom ware is a critical threat in network security since each day the raising of ransomware gets abundant. The major problem by the researchers is the prediction of ransomware. This paper planned to carry out a review on the different method to detect ransomware. Ransomware detection is very much helpful on minimizing the workload of analyst and for determining the variation in hidden Ransomware samples. Using machine learning algorithms Ransomware detected efficiently and trustfully.




Shemitha, P. A., & Dhas, J. P. M. (2019). Trusted detection of ransom ware using machine learning algorithms. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 2), 653–656.

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