This paper focuses on the impact of different parameters on the performance of the Subcarrier Multiplexed Optical Transmission System for the application on radio link via optical fiber. Performance results are evaluated for QPSK data format for ODSB and OSSB modulation of Microwave subcarriers with digital NRZ coded random data patterns. The four subsystems of QPSK modulators are at 400, 500, 600, 700 MHz subcarrier frequencies with frequency spacing of 100 MHz. The power of subcarriers is decreasing with increasing the link distance due to dispersion and attenuation. By using dispersion compensation fiber, the link distance has been enhanced from 100 km to 240 km successfully. The impact of chromatic dispersion has been reduced in OSSB by using dual-electrode MZM. The constellation diagram also confirms that the phase of the signal after traveling through the link is changing due to dispersion. The phase is the same for subcarrier 600 MHz & 700 MHz for ODSB and OSSB in QPSK SCM. The impact of linewidth and responsivity on SNR has also analyzed to evaluate the performance. It is concluded that the maximum SNR is decreasing with increase in the linewidth of laser source and increasing with the increase in responsivity of PIN diode for the same fiber length in SCM transmission.
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Goel, R. (2020). Performance Analysis of Subcarrier Multiplexed Optical Transmission System for QPSK Data. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(2), 466–476.