The world’s globalization and consolidation result in increased competition for manufacturing industry. A factory must always attempt to achieve world class manufacturing and quality to survive long in the growing market. Therefore it is important for a MSME sector (Manufacturing Industry) to develop their way of working continuously as per World Class Standards. In this research work, current layout of a manufacturing MSME industry is studied and a new layout is developed based on the systematic layout planning to reduce the meter movement, searching time and increase productivity. The company has presently working on processes layout. The number of equipment/machineries available and meter movement have been analyzed. The detailed study of the plant layout such as operation process chart, activity relationship chart and the relationship between equipment and area has been investigated. The new plant layout has been designed and compared with existing plant layout with the help of Spaghetti Diagram. The new plant layout shows that distance and overall cost of material flow from stores to dispatch area are significantly decreased. The implementation of proposed model will help in the overall improvement of production performance of manufacturing industry. This research work also helps to other small industries having such type process layout in increasing their productivity and achieving 100 % efficiency.
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Goyal, G., & Verma, D. S. (2019). Optimization of plant layout in manufacturing industry. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 3115–3118.