Electrodes and their placement play a vital role in medical diagnosis. Electrical signal in human body such as ECG, EEG and EMG etc., are the critical diagnosis parameter. Measurements of such signals are obtained by proper selection of electrode and their placement on human body surface. Electrical bioimpedance diagnoses used to detect various disorders are critically depends on type of the electrodes used and their position. In impedance measurements two electrodes are used to send electrical signal and minimum two electrodes to pick the electrical signal response on tissues in terms of voltage across two terminals. In this paper different electrode systems used for bioimpedance cardiac monitoring are analyzed based on the type of electrodes used, location of electrodes in human body and positioning of electrodes in specific location.
Sujatha, Dr. V., Chaitanya, P. S., & Pavani, N. (2019). Electrode System Analysis for Bioimpedance Cardiac Diagnosis. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 4914–4916. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.b4961.129219
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