The Characteristics of Magnesium Aluminosilicate Under Compression

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In order to investigate the mechanism of binding silicate as additive, the tablets were measured with respect to its hardness, which had been compressed with several kinds of magnesium aluminosilicate, and the process of its compression was observed. As the result of this experiment it has been ascertained that the hardness of the tablet is related to the specific surface area and to the apparent specific volume of magnesium aluminosilicate, and that the tablet itself becomes higher in hardness as the additive becomes lower in particles size. In the process of compression the secondary aggregate particles are considered to be distracted and to get dispersed into the base. The scanned electron micrographs will substantially represent the mechanical action of the secondary aggregate particles. The magnesium aluminosilicate is considered to act as binder by its porous fine particles in fiber forms increasing the number of contact points, and making interparticle crosslinkage among the base particles, and forming the interparticle bridge after the occurrence of plastic deformation, and further making mechanical nets of finely divided magnesium alminosilicate itself. © 1972, The Society of Materials Science, Japan. All rights reserved.




Yokoi, H., & Enomoto, S. (1972). The Characteristics of Magnesium Aluminosilicate Under Compression. Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 21(225), 589–593.

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