Cancer is the term used to describe a class of disease in which abnormal cells divide uncontrolledly and invade body tissues. There are more than 100 unique types of cancer. Breast cancer is one of the women's deadly disease. The prediction is done at the earlier stage and the results are accurate, the number of death per year can be reduced. So ultimately a new approach is needed to predict the level of cancer at the early stage which shows accurate results on prediction level. Hence Machine learning algorithms are used to predict the level of accuracy. Henceforth this paper analyze the different machine learning algorithm to predict the best levels of cancer and comparative statement was made about accuracy and the results showing SVM is more accurate.
D.V*, S. … K, P. (2020). A Novel System Design for Prognosis on Breast Cancer using Machine Learning Algorithms. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(4), 1484–1490.
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