‘Organic’ is the term which is used frequently nowa-days by the consumers all over the world. The problem of the study is people are already living in the place which is polluted in all means – air, water and land and in-addition to that the food which they take in is also polluted with fertilizer, pesticides, etc., This practice is been followed knowingly or unknowingly for so many decades. Organic food products are becoming popular in many cities in India. The study has identified in Erode as one of the area where people are started to buy organic food product. The organic market in India is identified as one of the fast growing sector. The objective of the study is to examine the awareness on purchase of organic food products, to analyze the motivational factors towards purchase of organic food, to analyze the purchase pattern towards organic food and to know the satisfaction level of consumers and problems faced by them. There are five research tools has been used for the study, those are Simple percentage analysis, chi-square, ANOVA, Friedman Rank test, Descriptive Statistics. The marketers of organic food products need to be innovative and dynamic in order to complete with the changing purchase behaviour in the organic food products market among urban residents.The study brought out the fact that the people are well aware of images and availability, but not loyal entirely to organic food products .So the marketers must create promotions which are both realistic and moral.
A Research on Buying Behaviour on Organic Foods with Special Reference to Erode District. (2019). International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12S), 470–475. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.l1116.10812s19
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