The effect of moisture on the properties of glass fiber polymer matrix composites with MoS2 and CaCO3

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The mechanical properties and water absorption behavior of a pure glass fiber reinforced epoxy matrix and a glass fiber reinforced epoxy filled composites immersed into a tap water were investigated. The main purpose of this experiment is addition of two different powdered fillers (CaCO3 and MoS2) into the epoxy matrix and comparing the properties of pure GFRP and filled GFRP. The composites specimens with fillers absorb less water when compared to pure GFRP specimens at room temperature. Water absorption curves and equilibrium moisture content were determined. The composites exhibit a positive deviation from the Fickan’s law with the addition of fillers into the matrix. The influence of water uptake has significant effect on the reduction of mechanical properties. It is observed that 3% filled MoS2 in epoxy matrix has less uptake of water and the tensile strength decreased is 3%, flexural strength decreased up to 18% and shear strength is 42% decreased when compared to CaCO3 filled composites and unfilled glass fiber reinforced polymer composite.




Jhansi, K., Babu, K. N., & Rao, L. B. (2019). The effect of moisture on the properties of glass fiber polymer matrix composites with MoS2 and CaCO3. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(6), 4800–4806.

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