“Employee turnover is a noteworthy matter in knowledge-based companies.” On the off chance that employee leaves, they carry with them tacit information, often a source of competitive benefit to the other firms. Keeping in mind the end goal, to stay in the market and retain its employees, an organization requires minimizing employee attrition. This article discusses the employee churn/attrition forecast model using various methods of Machine Learning. Model yields are then scrutinized to outline and experiment the best practices on employee withholding at different stages of the employee’s association with an organization. This work has the potential for outlining better employee retention designs and enhancing employee contentment. This paper incorporates and condenses the capacity to gain from information and give information-driven experiences, choice, and forecasts and thinks about significant machine learning systems that have been utilized to create predictive churn models.
Vasa, J., & Masrani, K. (2019). Foreseeing employee attritions using diverse data mining strategies. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 620–626. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B2406.098319
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