Sketch Based Image Retrieval using Deep Learning Based Machine Learning

  • Sivasankaran D
  • P S
  • R R
  • et al.
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Sketch based image retrieval (SBIR) is a sub-domain of Content Based Image Retrieval(CBIR) where the user provides a drawing as an input to obtain i.e retrieve images relevant to the drawing given. The main challenge in SBIR is the subjectivity of the drawings drawn by the user as it entirely relies on the user's ability to express information in hand-drawn form. Since many of the SBIR models created aim at using singular input sketch and retrieving photos based on the given single sketch input, our project aims to enable detection and extraction of multiple sketches given together as a single input sketch image. The features are extracted from individual sketches obtained using deep learning architectures such as VGG16 , and classified to its type based on supervised machine learning using Support Vector Machines. Based on the class obtained, photos are retrieved from the database using an opencv library, CVLib , which finds the objects present in a photo image. From the number of components obtained in each photo, a ranking function is performed to rank the retrieved photos, which are then displayed to the user starting from the highest order of ranking up to the least. The system consisting of VGG16 and SVM provides 89% accuracy.




Sivasankaran, D., P, S. S., R, R., & Kanmani, M. (2021). Sketch Based Image Retrieval using Deep Learning Based Machine Learning. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 10(5), 79–86.

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