Due to gradual development of metros and small towns and increasing population in India, the high rise buildings are constructed at a larger scale due to land scarcity and the commercial or cultural importance of a particular area. A high rise building should be architecturally viable and should have good light and air ventilation. In this project we compare and analyze the high rise buildings in three configurations.A high rise building is a structure which is more than 30m in height. In this project we consider a high rise building with story configuration of G+20. The three configurations of the high rise building are designed, configured and seismically analysed using ETABS software. Earthquake analysis in ETABS is carried out on Model (a)-Structure without a shear wall, Model (b)-Structure with shear walls and Model (c)-Structure with openings in shear walls resting in Type II soil and Type III seismic zone. The soil type and seismic zone considered for this project is specific for Amaravati the capital of Andhra Pradesh. Seismic analysis results for each configuration of the high rise building such as Base Shear, Time Period, Storey Drifts and Displacements are compiled and compared to find the suitable configuration of high rise structure.
Reddy, P. V., & Kumari, G. K. (2019). Seismic Response of High Rise Building with Openings in Shear Walls. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9), 3423–3426. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.i8607.078919
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