In the last ten years Sudan National Grid suffering from a steady increase in loads, with a shortage of generation and congestion in transmission substations and lines. This caused many cases of blackouts. As a solution to this situation, the Static Var Compensators (SVC) project was recommended to improve the voltage in the National Grid (NG) by providing adequate reactive power support at the specified nine locations to solve voltage instability problems. This study re-evaluates the project, especially after the delay in implementation and the major change that occurred in the NG the evaluation will cover all nine proposed substations (Port-Sudan (POR), Hag-Abdallah (HAG), Farooq (FAR), Mahadiya (MHD), Kuku (KUK), Local market (LOM), New Hasahisa (NHAS), Bagair (BAG), and Gamueia (GAM).) and show its effect on the overall National Grid voltage.
Alajab, I. S., Hamid, D. G., & Elzubair, A. A.-E. (2022). Voltage S tability Assessment of Sudan ese National Network within Re Evaluation of the SVC Projects. International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology, 9(5), 1–7.
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