In today’s world managing the records of attendance of staffs, students, employee or bus is a tedious task. This project focuses on automating the bus attendance process through vehicle license plate recognition. As, the license plate is a feature that is peculiar to every vehicle, it would help in efficiently marking the bus attendance. The bus attendance system using RFID is a time consuming process. Hence we developed a project to efficiently mark attendance using number plate recognition and OCR. The system was trained using faster RCNN model with bus image dataset. The proposed system is the number plate is captured through surveillance camera and the captured image will be passed as an input to the neural network for training and the number plate will be detected. Character extraction is done using OCR and extracted character matched will be checked with the database and the attendance for particular bus will be marked.
Bus Attendance System using Optical Character Recognition. (2020). International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(4), 2133–2136.
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