Social Skills in Action: An Ethic of Care in Social Studies Student Teaching Supervision

  • Trout M
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The theory of ethical care, as explored by Noddings (1986, 2002, 2003), serves as a framework for understanding relationships between people. In her philosophical treatise, Caring: A feminine approach to ethics and moral education, Noddings (2003) describes the experiences one may have when caring for another or helping another learn how to care, all while striving toward ethical ideals. The purpose of this chapter is to present an example of pedagogy that brings ethical care to the forefront of student teaching supervision, what I refer to as a pedagogy of care. Additionally the aim is to demonstrate how self-study methodology enabled me, a student teaching supervisor, to explore systematically my pedagogy of care to better understand my practice and my self as a teacher educator in the social studies.




Trout, M. (2010). Social Skills in Action: An Ethic of Care in Social Studies Student Teaching Supervision (pp. 119–137).

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