The user gives an input query in classical In-formation Retrieval (IR) system, keywords of the query are extracted and also the matching documents that contain one or more words specified by the user are retrieved. Keyword searches have a tricky time distinguishing between words that are spelled in similar way but mean something different. This often leads to hits that are completely irrelevant to the query. Se-mantic search seeks to enhance search precision by understanding searcher intent and along with the contextual significance of terms, as they seem within the searchable information space, whether on the net or within a closed system, to get more applicable outcomes. Semantically Enhanced Information Retrieval(SEIR) system can overcome the constraints of keyword based search. SEIR can semantically enhance the IR process. Therein way, searching is finished considering the meanings of query in-stead of the literal strings. Such a research automates tasks that need conceptual understanding of objects.
R.*, A. P., P., N. T., & Sunny, L. E. (2020). Semantically Enhanced Information Retrieval System. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(5), 966–972.
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