In this new era, noise pollution is very high. The one reason for this noise pollution is noise or sound which is generated by the exhaust system of the motorbike. So, it is necessary to reduce the noise from the exhaust of the motorbike. In this, original silencer reverse engineering has done and analyse it then three modification model of the silencer with it analysis are done and from that results one modified silencer are selected and forward for the manufacturing. After fabrication of the silencer, two tests are conducted. First, the test is conducted with original silencer then it is conducted with modified silencer. From that data, transmission loss of original and modified silencer are calculated and compare it. From that, noise reduced to 5DB.
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Biswas, G. G., & Phate, Dr. M. R. (2022). Experimentation Analysis of Noise Reduction in Motorbike Silencer. International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences, 9(6), 1–5.